Saturday, February 23, 2013

Quick Ways to Lose Weight using Affirmations

Quick Ways to Lose Weight using Affirmations

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Taga Bike Stroller Combo

Who likes going for a Bike ride but cant always do so as you have young children to look after??

Would you think i have gone completely off my rocker if i told you that there is a stroller bike combo.

Well before you seek a  psychologist to help me out go and check out this amazing site

A amazing group of designers got together and came up with the concept of making a stroller turn into a bike. How genius is that.

Now you can have your little one in a safe stroller seat and you can both enjoy the fun of biking and enjoying the freedom that biking gives you whilst also enjoying the exercise.

If seeing is believing or if your interested in the Taga bike stroller then click here.

Garage parking aids-LED stop sign

This next subject makes me very happy. My life has now got a whole lot easier.

Who has problems parking there car in the garage ?????

I DO I DO I DO....

This amazing Garage parking aids  will help you to park in the tightest of spaces.

There are a few different sorts of parking aids from park and place and flashing stop signs
to lasers that help to line up your parking, There are also garage parking stops, These are mats that have stops in them so you know when you have parked in the exact stop.

For a more in depth look and to see how the Garage parking aids work Click here

Bosu Ball Balance trainer

Who needs to trim down or maybe just tone up. Well i know i can put my hands up for both of these issues.

Now the hard part.

A easy way to exercise and for it to still be fun.

Yep I got the answer. Have you heard of a BOSU ball ????

If no is your answer then your in for a treat,

First off Bosu stands for both sides up, Go see a Bosu ball here

This amazing piece of Bosu  balance ball exercise equipment is a great way to exercise the whole body. You see its not just one exercise apparatus its actually two. That's where the Bosu comes in. One side is like half a swiss ball and the other side is a balancing board.

You will see progress on establishing some great balance and co ordination with regular use of the
Bosu balance ball

The Bosu ball is great for exercising at home and getting a great all over workout, Go watch the Bosu balance ball trainer dvd here.

Click here to go straight to see the Bosu balance ball

I bet you will exercise with a smile on your face when your using the Bosu ball. You sure will smile when you see the superb shape your body will gain due to using Bosu.



No More Mildew Shower Curtain Liner

Hi There,

i have been a busy girl this weekend and sourced some pratical items and some rather different stuff.

I will begin with the practical.

Hands up who hates moldy shower curtains....

With all the will in the world you try to keep them clean and free from mold and mildew.
Its a ongoing battle.

Not any more. No more mildew shower curtain liner is going to restore your faith in clean shower curtains.

Seriously this mildew proof shower curtain liner is guaranteed to prevent mildew growth.

What a saving on all that time scrubbing.

go check it out here No more mildew shower curtain liner